- A certain proportion of this recovery money will go to provide a boost for digitalisation in Europe.

Digitization is an area where you can ensure that the elderly have a safe and good everyday life while at the same time making it easier for staff, says Minister of Finance Magdalena Andersson (S).

Digitization in particular can also mean fewer employees, right?

- We will need more employees in elderly care in the coming years because we have large litters that are now coming up at that age.

But on the other hand, it may be that you may have time to drink a cup of coffee and look at the photo of the new grandchild rather than do something else, she says.

The corona recovery fund consists of half loans and half grants.

Sweden will only apply for the grant part, which means SEK 30-40 billion until 2023. The fund is built up with loans that the member states have taken together in the EU's name with low interest rates and a long repayment period. 

The Swedish government will soon submit its recovery plan to the European Commission.

In addition to the digitalisation of elderly care, the government also wants to invest in, among other things, expanded broadband, more educational places at universities and in converting the industry to more climate-friendly production.

Before the summer, when the first payment takes place, the EU countries must approve each other's plans.

This distinguishes this fund from other EU funds where it is the European Commission that approves payments. 

Does the procedure risk leading to squabbles and disagreements between Member States when examining each other's plans?

-It is important to do it with respect for each other.

That we are different countries and must of course have respect for the democratic process in each country, says Andersson (S). 

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"I've had it for a while, but I have not bothered," says Nils Lindhammar about the camera that was set up in his home.

Photo: Rikard Collsiöö / SVT