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February 17, 2021 What is striking in this survey is the almost total resignation and distrust of the state at all levels in the ability to fight organized crime.

This is a summary of the Libera report that collected the results of the survey carried out by Demos on a sample of 995 people interviewed in November within the Report "The dangerous Triangle. Mafias, corruption and pandemics in the will of the state to fight "The Italians reject the commitment of politics to fight the mafia: there is strong mistrust especially towards members of the government, parliament and parties. 83% of the interviewees believe that national politicians have favored the expansion of the mafia in Italy, 81% believe both national and local political parties to be guilty. 30% believe that corruption today is more widespread than in the Tangentopoli years. 66% positively assess 41bis, that is, isolation in prison for mafia .


Italians believe that the sectors where the Mafia is most active are waste management, drugs in second place (63%).

But if we include in this analysis the other main sector of the ecomafia, that of the illegal cement cycle, 20% of those who indicate construction as one of the privileged sectors by mafia organizations must also be added to that 43%.

When asked: "according to you, the mafia today is more or less linked to professionals and white-collar workers than in the past", the clear perception of a mafia always linked to professionals / white-collar workers emerges.

Just 10% of the total think that things are better than in the past, i.e. that the mafia is less tied to white-collar workers than before, while the majority (45%) believe that it is more so and the remaining part (39%) in equal measure compared to the past.

The most likely to answer that things are going better than in the past are the voters of Forza Italia and the Lega, while the left and center-left voters who think the same are in a much lower percentage.

However, in the report by Libera, it is in the right that we find the lowest percentage of those who believe that the mafia is today less linked to professionals and white-collar workers: the voters of Fratelli d'Italia who think so are just 5% of the total.  


Two other themes are at the center of the survey and more than ever, Recovery and Covid.

75% of Italians indicate healthcare as the sector in which the resources of Recovery must be invested the most.

School follows, with 35%.

In third place, with 26% the world of universities and research.

The restart

Among the institutions that, according to the Italians, can favor the restart of Italy, businesses and the government (38%) are on equal footing, followed by universities and research (30%).

Little consideration for local administrations.

At the bottom of the list are political parties and trade unions.


Over 70% of the citizens interviewed believe that, driven by the Covid emergency, mafias and corruption in Italy are spreading even more.

In particular, the mafia increases its presence and its power.