
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The Berlin police are largely unsuccessful in clearing up numerous arson attacks on cars by left-wing extremists.

In the past six years there have been 125 of these attacks, but only one suspect from the left-wing radical scene was identified in an attack on a car in Neukölln.

This is based on information from the police and responses from the Senate to parliamentary inquiries from the CDU on all twelve districts.

The police were much more successful in investigating arson for non-political reasons.

Here she identified 198 suspected perpetrators of around 1,700 cases in six years.

The motives were vandalism, insurance fraud, revenge, craving for recognition or frustration.

Most of the cars were set on fire in Neukölln and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.

Last year there were a total of 382 cases of car arson.

Of these, 44 cases were classified as politically motivated and 40 of them allegedly perpetrated by left-wing extremists, according to a police spokesman.

The numbers in the answers to the CDU inquiries differed slightly.

The targets were often cars and vans from certain companies in the real estate, armaments, telecommunications or Deutsche Bahn sectors.


Right-wing extremists were responsible for only a very small proportion of political acts.

According to the police, two suspects were caught.

In connection with the right-wing extremist series of arson attacks in Neukölln, the public prosecutor wants to indict two men.

The CDU criticized: "There is no clear strategy to prevent such arson from the left-wing extremist scene."

The left scene's willingness to destroy and use violence threatens society so severely that the protection of the Constitution has to observe it much more closely.

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CDU inquiry about arson attacks in Neukölln