
New York (AP) - UN Secretary General António Guterres has demanded a global vaccination plan against the corona pandemic.

On Wednesday before the UN Security Council, he appealed to the major industrialized and emerging countries: "I think the G20 are well positioned to set up an emergency task force to draw up such a global vaccination plan and coordinate its implementation and financing."

All countries that have the capacity to develop or manufacture vaccines should take part.

The seven major industrial nations (G7) will hold a meeting this Friday.

Guterres emphasized that a global vaccination strategy is in the industrialized nations' own interests.

“If the virus is allowed to spread like wildfire in the global south, it mutates again and again.

New variants could become more transmissible and deadly, and possibly jeopardize the effectiveness of current vaccines and diagnostics. "

So far, according to the United Nations, ten countries have administered 75 percent of all vaccine doses - while 130 nations have not yet given a single of the coveted drugs.


The meeting, organized by the UK, aimed to promote the distribution of vaccines in conflict areas.

To this end, London is submitting a draft resolution to the Security Council.

This is to ensure the vaccination of 160 million people who are at risk due to conflict and political instability.

Foreign Minister Dominic Raab said the global distribution of vaccines must "include the most vulnerable - including those who suffer in refugee camps or in war-torn conflict areas."

The director of the UN children's aid organization Unicef, Henrietta Fore, also called for a global ceasefire.

For the United States, Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured that his country was working with all partners to improve access to vaccines.

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