
Pirna (dpa / sn) - According to the assessment of the state dam administration, there is plenty of space for water from the snowmelt in the Saxon reservoirs.

"Due to the drought in the past year, some dams are not even at their destination again," explained Managing Director Heinz Gräfe on Wednesday in Pirna.

The flood retention basins are also currently fully available and can be used if necessary.

"How much water is in the snow cover of the individual catchment areas is calculated regularly," it said.

In addition, the situation is monitored by the stevedores on site.

If there is a thaw, dams could be “relieved”.

This means that more water is released from the systems than normal to make room for melt water.

It has been thawing heavily in Saxony since Wednesday.

According to the authorities, however, no extensive flooding is to be expected in the Free State.

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Map of the Saxon dams