
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - In the state elections in Baden-Württemberg on March 14, the protection against infection must be observed in polling stations because of the corona pandemic.

As the Interior Ministry announced in Stuttgart on Tuesday, voters and election workers must wear a medical mask or an FFP2 mask.

Exceptions are only possible on the basis of a medical certificate or some other compelling reason.

"Anyone who does not wear a mask and to whom no exception applies at the same time cannot vote at the polling station," says the ministry. 

In this way, they wanted to organize election day as safely as possible, said Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) with a view to the latest change to the Corona regulation.

This lists regulations for protection against infection during elections.

In addition to the state elections, they also apply to mayoral elections and referendums.

This also includes asking voters and election workers to keep the prescribed distance and to use the options for disinfection.

This also applies to people who want to follow the count, for example.

People who have symptoms of a corona infection - such as fever, dry cough or a disorder of the sense of taste or smell - are therefore not allowed to vote at the polling station.

This also applies to women and men who had contact with an infected person in the ten days before the election.

People who fell ill at short notice had the opportunity to apply for postal voting until 3 p.m. on election day.


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