
Verden (dpa) - Because of possible contamination of sushi rice with glass, the company Kreyenhop & Kluge in Oyten near Verden (Lower Saxony) has started a recall.

The article was offered nationwide mainly at Edeka and Marktkauf.

“For reasons of preventive consumer protection”, “Mìng Chú Sushi-Rice” in the 500-gram pack is affected with the best before date October 14, 2022, the company announced on Tuesday evening.

It cannot be ruled out that there may be pieces of glass in individual sushi rice packs.

The product concerned has been "withdrawn from sale as a precaution".

Buyers can return the product for reimbursement of the purchase price without presenting the receipt in the respective shops.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210216-99-470033 / 2

Product warning