The current agreement with the telephone consultancy MedHelp will not be extended, the Liberals' communications manager Rasmus Jonlund tells SVT.

The blue-green government in the Stockholm Region is now instructing the Health and Medical Care Board to investigate the conditions for making a new procurement of health care advice in 1177. If conditions were lacking, the alternative of operating under its own auspices should instead be investigated.

Starbrink (L): The service must be neutral between different care providers

- The telephone counseling at 1177 is an important channel into healthcare. When the healthcare system changes, the residents' contact paths also need to be developed. We must ensure that we continue to have a high medical quality, good availability and great confidence in the service. We must also ensure that the service is neutral between different care providers, says Anna Starbrink (L), health and medical care regional council in a press release.