
Osnabrück (dpa / lni) - The Osnabrück police chief, Michael Maßmann, complains of a high level of disrespect, threats and attempts to intimidate police officers by clan members.

"The behavior of many clan members towards the police is still characterized by a maximum of disrespect and a latent willingness to use violence," he said.

The police department, whose responsibility extends from the East Frisian Islands to the Teutoburg Forest, recorded more than 700 missions in connection with clan crime last year.

There were several injured police officers.

"We are definitely not a hotspot, but clan crime has also arrived in the country," said Maßmann.

During a police operation due to family disputes in Leer in May 2020, a whole tuft of hair was torn out of a policewoman.

In the fight against clan crime, four main public prosecutor's offices in Braunschweig, Hildesheim, Osnabrück and Stade started their work last autumn.

As the first federal state, Lower Saxony has been creating a separate situation report on clan crime since 2013.

Since March 2018, the police in the country has been using a uniform concept.

Among other things, it is a matter of consistently tackling all forms of crime, confiscating cars and skimming off assets obtained through crimes.


«Asset recovery is a powerful tool in the fight against clans.

But we also have to get access to the criminally obtained assets, which clan members do not belong on paper, but which they actually have - for example real estate or luxury cars, ”said Maßmann.

Here the police need more legal control in their property investigations.

A confiscated car hurts clan members as much as a prison sentence, according to the president.

It would also be important to set an upper limit for cash purchases in business transactions so that profits from illegal transactions cannot be washed away on a large scale through cash purchases.

The creation of perspectives for people who want to get out of the criminal milieu must be supported by more integration and youth work.

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