
Rome (dpa) - On the southern Italian island of Sicily, Mount Etna has breathed fire and ashes spectacularly.

As reported by several media, there was a strong explosion on the southeast side of the volcano on Tuesday evening.

Numerous users shared photos and videos of the natural spectacle on social media.

There was a huge cloud of smoke rising from the crater and lava flowing down the slope.

The current had reached a height of 2000 meters, wrote the Adnkronos news agency.

No damage or injuries were initially reported.

The international airport in the city of Catania south of Mount Etna temporarily ceased operations because of the volcanic ash in the air.

According to the Ansa news agency, the smoke and ash column rose over a kilometer, which impaired safe flying.

The ash rain pelted down on the houses, streets and balconies in the city.


On Etna there are always eruptions.

The volcano is in the east of Sicily.

With more than 300,000 inhabitants, Catania is one of the larger cities in the area.

The mountain itself is over 3300 meters high and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210216-99-469250 / 2

Ansa report (Italian)


Tweet with video about volcanic eruption (Italian)

Tweet with video via Rai Radio 1 (Italian)

Tweet of the airport in Catania (Italian)

Tweet Ansa (Italian)