
Bad Birnbach (dpa / lby) - The autonomous electric buses in Bad Birnbach, Lower Bavaria, should be available on demand from 2022.

As the market town announced on Tuesday, an on-demand platform should go into operation by then, through which passengers can call the self-driving buses.

From summer 2021 onwards, faster vehicles will also be on the road.

The Federal Ministry of Transport is fully financing the project, in which the Deutsche Bahn and the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich are involved, with 2.8 million euros.

Among other things, it will be investigated how medical services can be made more accessible.

Autonomous electric buses have been running between the thermal baths and the market square in Bad Birnbach since 2017, and the train station was added as a station in 2019.

According to the health resort, more than 62,000 passengers have used the offer so far, and the vehicles have traveled more than 50,000 kilometers.

It is the first driverless eBus to be used in public transport in Germany.


Currently, normal buses with a driver are running on the route due to the corona, said a spokesman for the market town.

The minimum clearances could not be observed in the small eBus.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210216-99-466435 / 2

DB Regio to driverless bus