
Leipzig (AP) - goalkeeper talent Christian Ole Simonsen from the handball Bundesliga club SC DHfK Leipzig can now play for the second division club TSV Bayer Dormagen.

The SC DHfK announced on Tuesday.

Dormagen responded by signing goalkeeper Martin Juzbasic's injury.

The 20-year-old Simonsen had already signed a contract with TSV until 2023 last week, which will apply from the coming season.

After Juzbasic's finger injury, Dormagen contacted Leipzig.

Both clubs agreed on an immediate right to two games for Simonsen, who is the third goalkeeper of the Bundesliga team for Saxony and was mainly used in the 3rd division.

In addition, if necessary, he can still be used for Leipzig until the end of the season and can also be used for the SC DHfK in the next season with double play rights.


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Handball Bundesliga website

Website SC DHfK