
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The SPD has spoken out in favor of a gradual restart of tourism after the corona lockdown.

"The tourism businesses in Schleswig-Holstein need a perspective," said the SPD tourism politician Regina Poersch on Monday the German press agency.

"The state government would therefore be well advised to prepare for the holiday season in our state and to coordinate with our northern German neighboring states."

Poersch criticized the debate about the Easter holiday initiated by Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU).

Kretschmer had stated in the "Bild am Sonntag" that there would be no holiday trips at Easter this year because of the corona pandemic.

"Neither false promises that you have to cash in again, nor gloomy prognoses help anyone," said Poersch.

According to the SPD, an incidence-based step-by-step plan could ensure the necessary predictability.

Poersch accused Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) of having spoken too much before the deliberations of the federal and state governments last week.

Otherwise it could have "at least turned out to be something on the north German level with a perspective or step-by-step plan".

Last summer showed that a gradual restart of tourism, for example in holiday apartments, on campsites, but also in gastronomic and accommodation establishments, is possible.


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