
Jena (dpa / th) - Masses of snow crushed the dome roof of a fermentation tank in a biogas plant in Jena on Monday.

The Jena municipal utilities announced that the system was in test operation and was empty.

According to a spokesman, the fire brigade moved in, but after viewing the situation, they decided not to shovel the snow out of the plastic dent.

Instead, a pump is to be installed on Wednesday to pump out the melt water that is expected in view of the forecast thaw.

The slightly dented roofs of four other systems on the site could have been erected again.

According to the spokesman, there are no supply bottlenecks due to the incident.

The plant in the north of Jena is operated by a subsidiary of Stadtwerke, which converts biomass such as liquid manure and maize from an agricultural company into biogas.

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