
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The murder trial for the death of a mother of five in Düsseldorf is about to be concluded.

According to the regional court, the procedure could end with a judgment today.

A 49-year-old son of the victim is charged.

The Serb is said to have killed his 62-year-old mother in her sleep at the end of April 2017 and dismembered her body.

The body parts had been discovered in the basement of the Düsseldorf apartment building in which the woman lived until her death.

The defendant had protested his innocence at the start of the trial.

After the fact, he fled to his Serbian homeland and was caught in Croatia in early 2020.

In an interim balance sheet, the court had not ruled out that the defendant's younger brother might have been involved in the crime.


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