
Münster (dpa / lnw) - A jogger in Münster got her head under water and passed out for reasons that are still unclear.

The police are still looking for witnesses after the incident on January 28, as they announced on Monday evening.

The 38-year-old jogger had jogged along the Aasee from the Torminbrücke towards the city center.

She couldn't remember what happened next.

According to her own statement, she regained consciousness with her head underwater in the area of ​​a jetty.

She could pull herself out of the water on her own and then called for help.

Passers-by notified the police and ambulance service.

The jogger had a minor head injury.

How this came about and why the 38-year-old was in the water is so far completely unclear.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210215-99-455868 / 2

