
Wesselburen (dpa / lno) - The police accidentally stopped a woman in the Dithmarschen district who had been driving without a driver's license for three decades.

The 59-year-old was only able to present the vehicle registration to the traffic control in Wesselburen, as the police announced on Monday.

She had misplaced her driving license, the woman initially whispered.

The officers then also found the driver to smell alcohol.

A voluntary breath alcohol test on Friday afternoon showed a value of 1.41 per mil.

Eventually the woman admitted that she hadn't had a driver's license for around 30 years.

The police officers immediately collected the car keys.

The woman now has to answer for being drunk in traffic and driving without a license.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210215-99-450021 / 2

Notice from the police