
Potsdam / Cottbus / Frankfurt (Oder) (dpa / bb) - Brandenburg's different approach to opening hairdressing salons and cosmetic stores in the corona pandemic is causing incomprehension among chambers of crafts and companies.

They criticize the fact that there is still uncertainty for cosmetic shops and that they are not allowed to open on the planned March 1st, like hairdressers' shops.

"An opening to our cosmetics companies at least at this point would be just as justified," said Ralph Bührig, managing director of the Potsdam Chamber of Crafts of the German Press Agency.

The general manager of the Chamber of Crafts for the East Brandenburg region, Frank Ecker, made a similar statement.

"From our point of view, this differentiation makes no sense because high hygiene standards also apply in this trade."

The Cottbus Chamber of Crafts, responsible for southern Brandenburg, criticized the fact that beauticians were given no chance to offer at least some of their services.

The companies have worked out hygiene concepts.

The opening of the hairdressing salons on March 1st is too late for the chambers.

"We are very disappointed that the hairdressers cannot open this Monday," emphasized Ecker.

"There are pure existential fears rampant."

Manja Bonin considers the opening for hairdressers as of March 1 to be “long overdue”.

The companies had expanded their hygiene standards to the highest possible level, insofar as the closure in December was unjustified, emphasized the managing director of the Cottbus Chamber of Crafts.

The general manager of the Potsdam Chamber of Crafts, Ralph Bührig, expressed a similar opinion.

"We could have imagined an opening earlier."


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