
Schwangau (dpa / lby) - Despite Corona, around 100 people celebrated carnival on the street in the Swabian town of Schwangau (Ostallgäu district), according to police estimates.

Witnesses observed what was happening in the community of 3,000 residents and called the police, as the police announced on Monday.

On Sunday afternoon, the officers found three carnival floats, numerous disguised people and spectators in a side street.

At the sight of the uniformed officers, some participants in the unauthorized carnival procession fled.

The police broke up the foolish hustle and bustle, took down the personal details of around 20 remaining celebrants and spectators and passed them on to the district office.

"The organizer of the event must expect a fine of up to 5000 euros," said a police spokesman.

"If it can be determined."

For the other participants, the forbidden celebration could cost up to 500 euros.

No fine is due if you just happened to come by and keep the distance rule.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210215-99-452647 / 2

Police press release