Russia: a flashmob placed under the sign of love for Alexeï Navalny

Audio 01:17

Supporters of Alexey Navalny shine the light of their phones in the streets and courtyards of buildings on Valentine's Day in Moscow, February 14, 2021. REUTERS - MAXIM SHEMETOV

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4 min

"Love stronger than fear".

It was under this slogan, on this Valentine's Day evening, that Alexeï Navalny's relatives had called on his supporters to descend into the courtyards of buildings at the stroke of 8 p.m.

Objective: to form hearts using candles and mobile phone lamps as a sign of support for the opponent.

An operation whose success is difficult to quantify.


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With our correspondent in Moscow,

Jean-Didier Revoin

By -15 ° C and several dozen centimeters of freshly packed snow, passers-by, like supporters of Alexeï Navalny, are rare in this dormitory district in southern Moscow.

There are four of them holding lamps in front of a building of 192 apartments.

A few meters from them, Alexeï, 30, is aware of the country's difficulties but does not support the champion of the fight against corruption.


I'm not for Navalny,” he


Yes, I agree that something needs to be changed in Russia.

In general, I believe that he is defending the right ideas, that our power is corrupted and that something must be done about it.

But I do not see in him, a leader likely to make the revolution 


Alexeï Navalny's intransigence

Kristina, in her thirties, is also among her detractors.


All this noise around Navalny irritates me

,” she says.

Everything is very interesting, the opposition and all that, but we are doing too much.

There is such a fad around Navalny and so much information in all this noise, but I don't like the way he's behaving


An allusion to the intransigence shown by Alexeï Navalny in his demands.

Kristina believes that in order to one day be able to govern the country, the opponent would have to be more flexible in his positions.

Testimonies which show the road that the opponent must still travel if he really wants to influence the fate of Russia.

See also: Russia: massive arrests during new pro-Navalny demonstrations


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  • Russia

  • Alexei Navalny

  • Vladimir Poutine

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