
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - Some supporters of the autoposer scene in Hamburg have to do without their vehicles for a while after a police operation or face fines and penalties.

The police said they checked 49 cars and 62 people on Saturday.

The officers seized five cars.

The operating license for 17 vehicles had expired, as the police reported on Sunday.

Autoposers change their vehicles visually, acoustically and technically in order to attract particular attention.

The violations ranged from using a cell phone while driving to driving without a license.

Several vehicles were reportedly manipulated so that they were much louder than allowed.

A 29-year-old man was traveling on a federal highway at 155 instead of the permitted 70 kilometers per hour.

His 450 hp car was recorded by a civilian patrol car with video technology.

According to the police, the speeder has to expect a fine of 1200 euros.

He is also threatened with a three-month driving ban and two points in Flensburg.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210214-99-437086 / 2


Notice from the police