
Siegen (dpa / lnw) - During an operation within the tuning scene, the police in Siegen placed two reports on Friday evening for driving too fast.

In addition, two drivers had been given warning fines for noise, the police said on Saturday.

The scene has been in view for a long time, as residents have complained about garbage, noise and driving too fast.

It was only said last weekend that a horn concert had to be broken.

A driver was stopped in town at 117 kilometers per hour.

Tuners convert their vehicles, for example to improve their performance.

The majority of the tuners behave considerately, the police said.

But they want to act consistently against “rule breakers”.

On Friday evening, dismissals were therefore issued at several of the scene meeting points.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210213-99-425400 / 2


Notice from the police