The far-right group Generation Identity was notified of its dissolution on Friday by the Interior Ministry.

A preliminary investigation for "public provocation to racial hatred" had notably been opened at the end of January after an anti-migrant operation in the Pyrenees.

The process is underway.

Génération identitaire was notified Friday evening of its dissolution by the Ministry of the Interior.

This extreme right-wing group had been in the crosshairs of the authorities for several months, following several resounding actions.

A preliminary investigation for "public provocation to racial hatred" had notably been opened at the end of January after an anti-migrant operation in the Pyrenees.

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It was after this last action that the dissolution of Génération Identitaire, long demanded by several associations and political parties, was first mentioned by Gérald Darmanin, who said he was "scandalized".

Generation Identity has 10 days to contest its dissolution

According to a message from Generation Identity posted on social networks, this campaign called "Defend Europe" intended to fight against "the risk of terrorism and migration in the Pyrenees".

"This massive immigration against which the different governments have never really fought, we, Identity Generation decided to oppose it concretely so we wanted to lend a hand to the police," Thais d'Escufon, a spokesperson for Génération Identitaire in Toulouse, present on the Pyrenean operation.

After having been notified of the Place Beauvau decision, the groupuscule has 10 days to respond.

If it does not provide any convincing evidence in the case, the dissolution of Génération Identitaire could be pronounced within two weeks by the Head of State in the Council of Ministers.