
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The Berlin hospitals have significantly more vaccine available for their employees.

"In the next three weeks, the hospitals will receive a further 35,000 vaccine doses," said Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) on Saturday the German press agency.

While the clinics were supplied with 2,394 vaccination doses in the penultimate week, as before, according to an overview by the Senate Department for Health, there were already 5,000 in the previous week. In the coming week it will be 10,000, then another 15,000 and one week then another 10,000 doses of vaccine.

According to the health administration, there had been 20,764 first vaccinations for clinic staff by Saturday.

The rate is 84.9 percent based on the 24,446 employees registered by the Berlin Hospital Society in the areas of rescue center, Covid-19 wards, intensive care units, hemato-oncology, geriatrics and gerontopsychiatry.

According to the information, so much vaccine arrives at the Charité that all of the employees concerned can be vaccinated with it.

Health Senator Kalayci said the vaccinations would noticeably reduce the risk of infections in hospitals.

“Even if there is no comprehensive protection.

But there is much more security for everyone involved. "

Kalayci ruled out that the vaccinations in the hospitals would be at the expense of other groups such as those over 80.

The medical staff receive the vaccine from Astrazeneca, which is only used for people under 65 years of age.


According to the health administration, the increasing quantities of vaccine make it possible to include hospitals in the delivery, whose staff in the rescue centers or geriatric departments are exposed to particular risks, even if they have few or no corona stations.

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Corona situation in Berlin