
Dresden (dpa / sn) - The Lord Mayor of Dresden Dirk Hilbert (FDP) warned on the 76th anniversary of the destruction of the city in the Second World War against falsifications in the past and the present.

"Let us leave no room for reinterpretations," he said on Saturday evening at the memorial site for the dead in the air raids of February 13, 1945 and in the days after.

"We can do this by focusing on the right thing instead of repeating the wrong thing."

Hilbert said that from 1933 to 1945, many Germans were “completely indifferent” to some of their fellow human beings.

"Dresdeners also accepted that people from their neighborhood with mental or mental illnesses were murdered on the Sonnenstein," said Hilbert.

“They just shrugged their shoulders when the Jewish shop around the corner was boycotted, smeared and eventually expropriated.

It doesn't matter that the owners and their families disappeared from one day to the next, ”he continued.

"Dresden, with its arms factories and transport facilities, was part of the machinery that started a murderous war from German soil," said Hilbert.

It was precisely this war that finally raged in Dresden, recalled the politician and warned: "We must never again be indifferent to our fellow men!"


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