
Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) - Two men were hit by a car in Frankfurt and fatally injured.

A 38-year-old driver got off the lane and drove into the two pedestrians, the police said.

"There is no evidence that it was not an accident," said a spokesman.

It is being investigated for negligent homicide.

The two pedestrians were 31 and 40 years old.

The driver was seriously injured.

All three had been taken to nearby hospitals.

The accident happened in the afternoon at a wide intersection near the Frankfurt Südbahnhof.

Where exactly the pedestrians were is still unclear, said the police spokesman when asked.

There are contradicting information.

Blood was taken from the driver and tests were carried out to determine whether drugs were involved.

This is the standard for fatal accidents.

According to a report in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (online), the car rolled over after it hit the two men and was left lying on the street.


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