
Gera / Eisenach (dpa / th) - After accidents, there were some significant disabilities on the freeways 4 and 9 in Thuringia on Friday.

The A4 at Gera in the direction of Dresden had to be blocked after a truck loaded with rolls of paper skidded after an overtaking maneuver and overturned, as the motorway police announced.

The driver of the truck was injured and taken to a hospital.

On the A9 near Eisenach in the direction of Frankfurt, a truck driver overlooked a vehicle from the motorway maintenance depot that warned of obstruction from a snow blower driving in front of it.

The truck crashed into the sign wagon, seriously injuring the driver.

The left lane between the Sättelstädt and Eisenach-Ost junctions is free for traffic so that the accident site can be passed.

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