
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - In Saxony-Anhalt, sunny days and frosty nights can be expected at the weekend.

Except in the Harz Mountains, there is hardly any precipitation on the weekend, as a spokeswoman for the German Weather Service (DWD) said on Friday.

On Saturday night there is severe frost.

The maximum temperatures are between minus 13 and minus 17 degrees.

In the southern Harz it can get up to minus 20 degrees.

On Saturday and Sunday, people in Saxony-Anhalt can look forward to lots of sunshine.

It should be particularly sunny in the Altmark.

On both days the maximum temperatures are between minus two and minus three degrees.

Except in the mountain areas, there is mostly no wind.

The night on Monday, just like the night on Sunday, is frosty cold with highs between minus 12 and minus 13 degrees.

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