Stefano Bonaccini, president of the Conference of the Regions

  • Prohibition of travel between Regions: expires on February 15, all possible scenarios

  • Regions: vaccine plan difficult to implement, doses are lacking

  • Covid-19, Government-Regions agreement: Astrazeneca to under 55 teachers, police and prisons


February 11, 2021 "The orientation of the Conference of Regions is to request the extension of the Dl which prohibits travel from one Region to another, even for the yellow zone. In the next few hours I will communicate this orientation to Minister Francesco Boccia who had asked for our opinion during the last State-Regions Conference, as well as to the appointed Prime Minister, Mario Draghi ".

This was declared by President Stefano Bonaccini, on the sidelines of the Conference of the Regions.

Vaccines and population

Reshape the distribution of vaccines, after phase one, based on the number of inhabitants for each region.

This is what the Regions asked the extraordinary commissioner Arcuri at today's meeting.

Gradual reopening

"We will then ask the new government for a meeting for a 360-degree discussion on the new Dpcm, to evaluate the possible gradual reopening of some activities in compliance with all prevention protocols." This was stated by President Stefano Bonaccini, on the sidelines of today's Conference of the Regions.