
Bindlach (dpa / lby) - After criticism from the author herself, the Upper Franconian publisher of Dylan Farrow's debut novel changed the cover of the book.

The author will no longer be presented on the back of the book as the "adopted daughter of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow," it said on Thursday at the request of the German Press Agency from Loewe Verlag in Bindlach (Bayreuth district).

All books that are not yet on the market will be adjusted accordingly and will be available from Monday.

Farrow had previously criticized the original cover via short message service Twitter.

"I am disappointed that the German publisher used my abuser name on the book and marketing materials without informing me or consulting me about it," wrote Farrow.

"I would never have allowed that and I am disturbed that anyone would find it appropriate."

Numerous observers voiced similar criticism on social media.

Farrow's debut novel "Hush", the prelude to a fantasy trilogy for young readers, was published in the United States in October and on Wednesday under the title "Hush.

Forbidden Words »came onto the market in German translation.

Farrow, 35, had previously made headlines mainly with allegations of abuse against her adoptive father Woody Allen.

The director had adopted her in the early 1980s together with his then partner, the actress Mia Farrow.

Dylan Farrow accuses Allen of sexually molesting her in the early 1990s.

Everyone denies that.


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Loewe-Verlag on the book

Farrow on Twitter