
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - The FDP state chairman Lydia Hüskens has criticized the extension of the lockdown that was decided on Wednesday as “irresponsible and partly illegal”.

"The collateral damage in the areas of health, education and the economy from a mere extension of the lockdown must not simply be ignored," warned Hüskens on Thursday.

The liberals called on the state government to work out a step-by-step plan for opening up the economy, which should also specify the follow-up of infections in the districts and include voluntary mass tests.

The government and the state parliament had failed because there was still no such step-by-step plan and that there was no planning security of more than two weeks for schools and companies.

Economics Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD) is currently working out a step-by-step plan in his ministry.

The federal and state governments agreed on Wednesday to extend the lockdown in principle to March 7th.

With the exception of hairdressers and providers of certain body-friendly services, the resolution does not provide for any specific opening perspectives for the economy.

On Thursday, the state government should discuss the results and implement them in a new state ordinance.


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