
Singen (dpa / lsw) - The Konstanz public prosecutor's office has initiated an investigation after allegations against the police of having handcuffed a child in Singen.

"Racism and discriminatory behavior have no place in the Baden-Württemberg state police, so we systematically investigate every single suspected case," said the Interior Ministry on Thursday in Stuttgart.

The public prosecutor's office in Konstanz had commissioned the Rottweil criminal police department with investigations.

The Baden-Württemberg State Association of Sinti and Roma had accused the officials of having checked an eleven-year-old child in Singen (Konstanz district) and handcuffed it for no reason.

According to the association, the boy is said to have been asked about his personal details and searched.

His family had filed a criminal complaint, among other things, on suspicion of deprivation of liberty and bodily harm in office, their lawyer said.

A ministry spokesman confirmed that there was an incident in Singen on February 6, in which a boy was taken to the police station with handcuffs on.

Due to the ongoing investigation, however, no more precise information on the facts could be given.


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