
Munich (dpa / lby) - The Bavarian Crafts Day has sharply criticized the extension of the corona lockdown until March 7th.

Shutting down thousands of craft businesses in the Free State for months would be disproportionate in view of the tried and tested hygiene concepts and cost taxpayers huge sums of money, said President Franz Xaver Peteranderl on Thursday.

"It can't go on like this: With every week that the lockdown is extended, more life plans and livelihoods in the craft and middle class are at stake."

A long-term plan to deal with the pandemic and to restart the economy is not in sight.

"Instead, you continue to shimmy from one lockdown extension to the next," criticized Peteranderl.

Because aid arrives late or cannot be applied for at all, more and more business owners have to take care of their old-age provision and compensate for the loss of income with private funds.

The craftsmen wanted to be able to earn their own living again.

The lockdown affects around 90,000 craft businesses with 300,000 employees in the Free State.

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