
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The police in North Rhine-Westphalia have identified short videos in social networks such as YouTube, Facebook or TikTok as the “main access point” to potential applicants.

In a paper by the responsible State Office for Training, Further Education and Personnel Matters of the Police (LAFP), it says: "Based on studies, it can be determined that Instagram and Youtube are to be given priority in career orientation and use of social networks on career topics."

A company is now being sought to produce such films.

According to the tender documents, the videos should generally be 15 seconds to 2 minutes long.

In exceptional cases up to 8 minutes.

Play channel: the cell phone.

“The smartphone hovers over everything.

All important communication offers must be suitable for mobile use.

The prospective candidate for the police service uses this central "device" to manage his everyday multimedia life, "according to the LAFP in the tender.

The “core target group” are 18 to 25 year olds.

The “extended target group” 14 to 35 year olds.

Soldiers looking for follow-up employment are particularly interesting.

"This target group has already shown above-average click behavior in the past," said the state office.


The NRW police already advertise on their own channels on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and TikTok.

Among other things, the radio presenter Daniel Schlipf alias "Daniel Danger" took part in a YouTube series.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210211-99-391889 / 2



TikTok account of the NRW police

Instagram account of the NRW police for applicants

Facebook account

Youtube account