
Dresden (dpa / sn) - Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has defended the opening of schools and daycare centers in the Free State from next Monday.

It is important to take into account various protected assets, he said on Wednesday evening in the MDR “Sachsenspiegel”.

The mental health of children, adolescents and families was just as important as the aspect of education.

"That is why this opening is closely accompanied by a test regime."

Educators and teachers could be tested.

«Many children look forward to it.

Children need children, we want to create this opportunity now. "

However, if the number of infections increases again, the measures will be scaled back.

Kretschmer considers the first easing agreed at the conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Minister to be responsible.

The hairdressers, who are allowed to reopen from March 1st, could prepare for it.

In a statement in the State Chancellery that evening, Kretschmer did not want to speculate how the easing would continue.

“It is very difficult to be certain at this time.

Caution is advised. "

There is a desire for normalcy, said Kretschmer.

«This virus does not take our needs into account.

We have to behave so wisely and be so serene that we always do what is currently justifiable. "

But there is a clear horizon.

If the incidences drop to below 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, there could be further easing.


As an important result of the conference, Kretschmer named the fact that Economic Aid III can be applied for immediately.

Those affected would have waited a long time for this.

Many would have run out of money: "This is really no fame sheet and the federal government has also admitted that."

Now there is another perspective.

But it is not okay that it took so long.

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