
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - From March 1, people in Germany can have their hair cut again.

From this date onwards, the providers of necessary body-friendly services should also reopen, said Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) on Wednesday after a consultation with the federal and state governments.

An earlier opening date was not enforceable.

In addition, Saxony-Anhalt will stick to its plan to gradually reopen the schools from March 1, announced the head of government.

In principle, the lockdown should therefore initially be extended until March 7th.

At first, the Prime Ministers and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) did not make a decision as to when the retail trade may reopen at the more than five-hour video conference.

This point is to be discussed again at the next federal-state switch on March 3rd.

Haseloff wants to discuss the results of the conference with the state government on Thursday.

The ministers should then resolve the agreement in the form of a new state ordinance, which will come into force next Monday.


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