
Bremen (dpa) - Bremen's head of government Andreas Bovenschulte (SPD) has pointed out that the value of 35 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, which is decisive for opening retail trade, applies to the respective countries.

"It's about the average value of a federal state," said Bovenschulte on Wednesday evening at a press conference.

He had advocated seeing the 35 value nationwide, but could also understand the current regulation.

It is important, however, that the countries coordinate with each other in order to avoid shopping tourism.

Bovenschulte also made it clear that a certain range of fluctuation had been taken into account: "This is not a threshold value for bean counters."

Should Bremen have an incidence value of a stable 36 and Lower Saxony at 34, then Bremen would certainly open the retail trade as planned.

The coordination becomes more difficult if the differences are larger.

That was also recognized during the deliberations.

"I rely on common sense to find a solution."

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