Marie-Pascale has barely eaten for eight years, because of the many medications she took following a fracture.

At the microphone of Sabine Marin, on "La Libre antenna" of Europe 1, Marie-Pascale also confides to suffer from the lack of recognition of her family who does not believe in her pain.


In March 2013, Marie-Pascale fell and broke a bone in her foot.

She then declared algodystrophy, which still makes her suffer eight years after her fall.

Marie-Pascale explains that because of the many medications she has taken, she has hardly eaten for eight years.

Besides the physical pain, Marie-Pascale suffers from the lack of recognition of her family who do not believe in her pain.

On "La Libre antenna" of Europe 1, Marie-Pascale tells how this fall changed her life.

>> Listen to Marie-Pascale's testimony in full here

"I had a serious fall in March 2013. Since then I have stopped eating and I am abandoned by my family. Nobody wants to believe my pain. I fell stupidly, it was a domestic accident. I got caught. feet on the mat I broke my fifth metatarsal, a bone in my foot. I was athletic. I was a very good tennis player, I was classified. My life fell apart with that fall. J have had algodystrophy, I suffered a lot and I was poorly treated.


I haven't eaten normally since March 2013


I was bombarded with drugs that destroyed my liver and stomach.

I hardly eat any more.

The doctors can't treat me.

They are prescribing me medication for sleeping, because I don't sleep at night because I am in so much pain.

What makes me suffer the most is algodystrophy and the lack of recognition from my loved ones.

They don't call me.

I call them, but they don't want to acknowledge my pain.

When I say I don't eat, they don't believe me. 

I haven't eaten normally since March 2013. It's very hard to just take medicine and not eat.

I certainly have deficiencies, but the doctor does not take my blood.

I am not well taken care of.

I think I need to change doctors.

I tried acupuncture, but it didn't help much.

I did osteopathy sessions last summer.

It relieved my pain a little.

My medical care is not satisfactory at all.


My children would like me to go to EHPAD


It is especially the lack of recognition of my family that distresses me a lot.

They find me stupid.

I don't get a lot of messages from my children and my grandchildren.

It's hard because my children are far away.

Before the fall, it was fine.

I was on my own.

I only called them on Sunday evening, I let them work.

Now I need them more because I am alone and sick.

They would like me to go to EHPAD.

I am 69 years old.

I don't want to at all.

If I go, I would die within a week.

My kids are fed up with me being in demand, so I try not to burden them.

I try to manage on my own.

I have home helpers who come two hours a day, except on weekends.

I need help, that's obvious.

I am very painful and above all, I am weakening because I do not eat a lot.

Everything is complicated because of algodystrophy.

I cannot move.

To go see my children, it's complicated.

I don't see them much.

I don't see my grandchildren growing up.

I call them on video on weekends.

Fortunately I have this.

>> Find the Libre antenna - weekend in replay and podcast here

I do not have many friends.

They don't show up.

Because of the health crisis, they are staying at home.

My friends are afraid of Covid-19, so we don't see each other anymore.

At the first confinement, we sent each other emails, we encouraged each other.

Now people don't even write or phone.

I like to phone, but people don't call anymore.

I call, I leave them messages, but they don't call me back.

I forget the sound of my friends' voices.

It is terrible.

When I was young, I played the piano and was in a choir.

I miss all of this very much.

I'll untie my fingers and resume classes.

I can walk around, but other than that I can't do much.

I play cards on the Internet.

I watch TV, but it's not a life to go from your bed to your sofa, then from your sofa to your bed.

How to distract yourself when you are confined in this way and you are no longer healthy?
