
Jena (dpa / th) - From the point of view of the director of the Institute for Infection Medicine and Hospital Hygiene at the Jena University Hospital, Mathias Pletz, mutations of the coronavirus spread fairly quickly.

«New virus variants are constantly emerging - that is part of evolution.

However, it is remarkable how quickly these new, better adapted to humans variants are spreading globally, ”said Pletz according to a statement on Tuesday.

There is evidence that the current vaccination is less effective for the South African mutation.

"Nevertheless, the vaccination also protects against severe courses of the South African variant with high effectiveness, but not always against minor infections."

The University Hospital Jena has been investigating coronavirus mutations using so-called sequencing since April 2020.

It has been helping with their surveillance in Thuringia since January.

Most recently, two cases of the South African variant were detected there on Monday in two people from Jena.

Further corona infections became known from the environment of the two.

The city administration suspects that these cases are also the South African variant.


So far, a total of ten highly contagious virus mutations have been reported to the health service in Jena, said the head of the service, Enikö Bán.

“But we have to assume that these have already spread much more widely among the population.

They are also considered to be more infectious. "

That is why it is all the more important - even if the infection situation seems to be easing - to maintain only reduced contacts, to wear mouth and nose covers and to observe hygiene and distance rules.

The Erfurt State Chancellery announced on Tuesday that 79 cases with mutations of the coronavirus were currently detected in Thuringia.

In addition to the two cases of the South African variants, 52 cases are the British mutation.

In the remaining cases, it was initially not clear which variant was present.

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