The Airbnb platform has taken a step towards the obligation for owners not to exceed the 120 rentals per year imposed on main residences.

A registration number will be required in the coming months to post an advertisement in certain cities, such as Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, or even Nice and Toulouse.

A step towards transparency.

Airbnb announced Monday to subscribe in part to the commitments requested by associations of elected officials, local authorities and metropolises, so that the activity of tourist rental platforms between individuals is more transparent.

Friday, the Ministry of Housing called on platforms and their federations to "commit to the implementation" of a "roadmap" which establishes "the expectations of the State and communities", and sets a " joint work program "between the State, 7 associations of local authorities and 30 towns, cities and metropolises.

A registration number ...

As a result, Airbnb announces that it will provide partial "guarantees": thus the platform will ensure that announcements of "entire homes rented for short periods are registered with the local authorities in" Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux "from April or June, then the second semester in Lille, Marseille, Nantes, Nice, Strasbourg and Toulouse Concretely, if you wish to rent your accommodation on Airbnb for less than 30 days in one of the cities concerned, you will need to mention your registration number issued by your town hall Without this number, it will be impossible to post your ad.

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A measure that was already mandatory but was not followed, reminds the microphone of Europe 1 the deputy mayor of Paris in charge of housing Ian Brossat.

"I'm not going to bow down anyway because this company which has been breaking the law for years suddenly begins to announce that it will respect it", he tackles at the microphone of Europe 1. Behind what is in the eyes from Ian Brossat a simple announcement effect, the deputy fears that once the coronavirus crisis has passed, "we will come back to the situation before where our neighborhoods were shielded with Airbnb housing".

... to enforce the 120-day rental limit 

This registration number should allow better tracking of offers on the platform ... enough to reassure the deputy in charge of housing in Bordeaux Stéphane Pfeiffer.

"We will be able to better control compliance with regulations by owners," he says.

"Typically, today the limitation is 120 rental days per year. But when you rent on multiple platforms, it is not possible to cross-reference the information." 

Now, communities hope that other rental platforms will follow the movement initiated by Airbnb to ensure that unscrupulous owners do not exceed the limit of 120 rental days per year imposed on main residences.