
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The federal and state governments want to agree on how to proceed in the corona crisis on Wednesday.

Before Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) contacted the Prime Minister, it became apparent that the lockdown, which had initially been agreed until February 14, became apparent.

On the other hand, several countries already have concrete plans to gradually reopen daycare centers and schools from next week.

The culture ministers of the federal states pleaded in favor of the case that the corona numbers continue to fall.

How this can be brought together was initially still open.

Berlin's Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD), who is currently chairman of the Prime Minister's Conference, recently insisted on a perspective for possible loosening, but at the same time urged great caution.

He expects from the federal-state switch, “that we can agree at least on a common framework plan despite the uncertainties, if possible linked to incidences and the utilization of our intensive care medicine,” Müller told the German press agency on Monday evening.

Merkel spoke out against any opening steps until March 1st.

The time in which the British virus variant has not yet gained the upper hand is decisive in order to get the infection numbers down with all possible strength, she said according to dpa information on Tuesday in an online meeting of the Union faction in the Bundestag.

But there are still differences about this, she added before the consultations with the country leaders.


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