
Donauwörth (dpa) - In northern Swabia, two local politicians are criticized for early corona vaccinations.

Both the district administrator of the Donau-Ries district, Stefan Rößle (CSU), and the mayor of the district town of Donauwörth, Jürgen Sorré, received an early vaccination in January.

First, the "Augsburger Allgemeine" reported on it.

Both local politicians stress that they would no longer act like this.

Rößle told the German Press Agency on Tuesday that it was about two vaccine doses that were left in the hospital in Donauwörth at the beginning of the vaccination campaign on January 4th.

The next day the product should not have been used and should have been disposed of.

That is why he and his deputy were asked if they wanted a vaccination at short notice.

"I didn't think anything of it back then," said Roessle.

Back then, the reservations about vaccinations were even greater than they are today, he said.

From today's point of view, with the week-long discussion about the shortage of the vaccine, Roessle himself viewed his actions critically.


The independent mayor Sorré said he received a similar offer from the vaccination center in mid-January.

In this case, too, there was a risk that the vaccination dose would expire.

"With what we know today, I would no longer make the decision at the time to accept this short-term offer," said a statement by the mayor.

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Interview with Rößle