
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - Associations in Brandenburg warn of the financial burden on low-income families in the corona pandemic.

The need for hygiene items such as masks and disinfectants has increased, as has energy costs at home, but the financial situation is already tense due to short-time work and job loss for many families, the Brandenburg State Poverty Conference announced on Tuesday.

The difficult situation of low-income families is worsened by the Corona crisis, says Andreas Kaczynski, Chairman of the Board of the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband.

The network of more than 30 associations, which represent the interests of the population groups affected by poverty, therefore makes clear demands on politics.

For example, wage replacement benefits such as short-time working allowance would have to be topped up, especially for low-income workers.

Families covered by SGB II would have to receive at least 100 euros more during the Corona crisis to cover the additional hygiene requirements and the increased energy costs due to the higher consumption.

"Financial reserves cannot be used because there is no room for reserves in poor households," says a statement from the LAK.

For low-income families, protection against dismissal must also be created.

The families should be protected from homelessness, said Kaczynski.

"That is the last thing that can happen."

In addition, beneficiaries should continue to be given a free daycare and / or school lunch - even if the facilities are closed.

For this, the food either has to be delivered to the families or the money of 90 euros has to be paid out.

It shouldn't happen that there is only toast and ketchup at the end of the month, as Franziska Löffler from the AWO district association Potsdam said.

«The families want to cook.

But if there's no money, they just can't do it. "


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