
Dresden (dpa / sn) - The SPD member of the state parliament Simone Lang (SPD) would like to attract more attention to children's hospices.

“The work is very demanding, emotionally and physically very challenging.

We should put children's hospice work in the public eye for more than one day a year, even if the dying of children and young people in particular is not an easy topic, "Lang said on Tuesday in Dresden.

February 10th is celebrated in Germany as the “day of child hospice work”.

This work lives from the fact that people support families and their children in a difficult situation, advise and relieve them, emphasized Lang.

"It is not an easy task to support seriously ill children and young people in the last phase of their lives."

The commitment of the children's hospices and family members deserves support and respect.

Lang encouraged people to volunteer for this work because there was a lack of active people.

“It is important to us that hospice and palliative care continue to be covered.

I am therefore very pleased that sufficient funds have been earmarked for this in the draft budget, ”emphasized the politician.

There is an inpatient children's hospice in Saxony - the Bärenherz facility in Markkleeberg.

There are also six outpatient hospice services for children and young people.


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Bear heart children's hospice

Children and youth hospice services in Saxony