• Guarantor for minors: we listen to the children, they ask to go to school safely

  • School.

    Cts: "Ok to higher reopening in presence"


February 09, 2021 School is one of the priorities of the Draghi government program.

The intention to extend the school calendar was leaked yesterday during the consultations.

This hypothesis was enough to stir things up among the unions a few hours after their meeting, scheduled for tomorrow with Draghi.

Yes to targeted recoveries.

But there are 220,000 empty chairs.

"It is useless to extend the lessons for a couple of weeks".

Decisions and organizations to individual schools, which may already have funds and staff to manage them, on the model of remedial courses that are already held at the beginning of September.

Cisl School

“I also want to renew the school as a college in Italy - says Maddalena Gissi, Cisl Scuola - but in Scampia and not in Parioli, at Zen and in the Milanese suburbs”.

"On recovery we have no problems - continues Gissi - while extending the calendars is not the solution to the problem. In many school orders we have worked continuously, there are classes that have not lost even a day and even those who have had to interrupt for quarantines and needs of a higher nature continued with Dad; the children with greater difficulties must have answers and we will not hold back on this. But we need to understand with what tools, strategies and times. "

Filc Cgil

The recovery plan must be done says, Francesco Sinopoli of the Flc CGIL, but it must not be the same for all of Italy. "The schools - underlines Sinopoli - are not closed, they are working. I am not convinced by the generalization that the school year is lengthening for everyone. Schools must evaluate where it is needed and where not, certainly the Regions should not foresee it: this would lead to further inequalities. The point is not the timetable, but to allow schools to make a plan of

recovery where it is needed ".

Uil Scuola

According to Pino Turi, Uil Scuola, "certainly a single action disconnected from an organic context that secures the constitutional school of this country means returning to an empty and empty narrative that we would like to be left behind", but it is good to wait for clarification : "There is a rush to interpret and comment on indiscretions that should be made explicit. We - he explains - would like to avoid this exercise, however Uil Scuola has never refused to discuss the merits of an organic proposal, which does not seem to us only that to lengthen the school year, which in itself only expresses a negative evaluation of the DAD that we share: the real school is the one in the presence and except the secondary school has been operating in the presence since September ".


On the same line Rino Di Meglio, national coordinator of the Guild of Teachers: "As a teacher I find it useless to extend the lessons for a couple of weeks. Apart from the objective difficulties that would entail, both from an organizational point of view with the end-of-cycle exams , both from a climatic point of view, with mostly inadequate school buildings, such a measure would be ineffective with respect to the recovery of learning by the pupils. Rather, it would be more appropriate to finance individual remedial courses for the students who are really behind ".

The principals

"A few more days can also be done but I don't think it solves the problem, it seems to me difficult to go beyond the two extra weeks, which in any case do not change life".

Thus Antonello Giannelli, president of the National Association of Presidents at 24 Mattino by Simone Spetia on Radio 24. "We must take into account the teachers who have been working without interruption since the beginning of the year, we must not think that since we have not physically been to school energies have been committed, both on the part of teachers and students ".

Giannelli specifies that "there are differentiations to be made, it is important to understand school by school which are the training gaps that have arisen and to intervene in a targeted way".

Anief school

For the National Association of Teachers and Trainers, thinking about a new school calendar is useless.

Distance learning is full-fledged didactics.

"Thinking of extending the school year - says Marcello Pacifico, president of Anief - to make up for the training gaps deriving from the lockdown and the didactic problems that created the pandemic does not agree: distance learning has been regularized and must be considered on a par with face-to-face lessons ".