
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - Parents who currently look after their children at home instead of sending them to emergency care should also have their parents' contributions reimbursed in February.

This was announced by Social Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) on Tuesday after the cabinet meeting in Magdeburg.

The state will reimburse the municipalities for the lost income.

Since mid-December, daycare centers, schools and thus also after-school care centers have been closed in Saxony-Anhalt except for emergency care.

The state government wants to slow down the spread of the corona virus.

In January, around every third child in daycare or after-school care was taken into emergency care.

Children up to the age of twelve have a statutory right to care.

In May of last year and in January, the country had already taken over the costs of the emergency operation.

That cost the country around seven million euros at the time, as the Ministry of Social Affairs announced.

On Wednesday the federal and state governments want to discuss a possible extension of the restrictions.


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