
Bad Aibling (dpa / lby) - On the fifth anniversary of the Bad Aibling train accident with twelve dead and almost 90 injured, the bells are set to ring at 6:47 a.m. today at the time of the accident.

In the morning, representatives from politics, rail transport and local churches in the Upper Bavarian city want to remember the victims.

Because of the Corona regulations, commemoration at the memorial for the victims will be limited to a very small circle and a short prayer.

Flowers are to be laid down.

The mayor of Bad Aiblingen, Stephan Schlier (CSU), said the signal is also aimed at the relatives who are still struggling with this heavy loss, and the survivors.

The cause of the accident was human error: a dispatcher had played with his cell phone on February 9th - Shrove Tuesday.

Distracted by this, he set the wrong signals, two Meridian trains of the former Bayerische Oberlandbahn collided head-on on the single-track line between Bad Aibling and Kolbermoor.

The dispatcher was sentenced to three and a half years imprisonment for negligent homicide, about two thirds of which he served.


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