Roland's house has been occupied for several months by squatters, evicted at the end of the winter truce.


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  • Since September, the house of Roland, an 88-year-old Toulouse resident, has been occupied by squatters who have changed the locks.

  • A judgment orders the expulsion of the squatters, but not before the end of the winter truce, postponed from the end of March to June 1.

  • Exasperated and stunned, Roland and his daughter were counting on the money from the sale of the house to finance a place in nursing home for Roland, so that he could join his wife there.

"My grandfather had it built, my mother's sister was born there, I was born there and I still have my toys there, my father has his things there, the beds were made" , says Diane, still stunned by what has happened to her family in recent months.

In September, when his father, Roland, moved to Albi in a small apartment to be closer to his wife in nursing home, the housekeeper tries to return to their family home north of Toulouse without succeeding.

Quickly, she will realize that the locks have been changed and that several people live inside.

It is the beginning of a long Stations of the Cross for this 88-year-old Toulouse resident and his daughter to have the squatters evicted.

The latter immediately went to the police station to file a complaint, alerting the real estate agency responsible for selling the house to pay for Roland's place in Ehpad, who wanted to be alongside his wife for her old age.

Sell ​​the house to finance the nursing home

A bailiff, a lawyer and then the court are also seized of the case.

And on October 23 the judgment fell: the squatters could be expelled, but only at the end of the winter break.

However, the date of the winter break has just been postponed from March 31 to June 1.

This is too much for Roland, who sees his desire to join his wife going even further away.

“Exasperated” according to his daughter, he decided to take the matter to the media by calling

La Dépêche du Midi

, where he was a rotativist for more than three decades.

"We are not thieves, we did nothing wrong", he explained to his daughter who remains "dumbfounded by the audacity of these people who get away with impunity with others".

Since the publication of the first article on Sunday, the phone has been ringing.

Diane was contacted by the prefecture, the ministry is also seized of her file.

“Today, what we want is for them to leave, for us to be able to recover our belongings and sell the house because the savings to finance the nursing home are going quickly.

I want them to have the chance to be able to live together, with peace of mind ”, hopes Diane who would like not to have to wait until June 1st so that her father can one day put a foot in his house, that of a whole community. life.


Paris: Justice orders the end of the squat of the restaurant Le Petit Cambodge


Gironde: His squatted house, an 85-year-old retiree finds himself on the street

  • Expulsion

  • Winter break

  • Ehpad

  • Albi

  • Toulouse

  • Squat

  • The elderly

  • Miscellaneous