
Prague / Cheb (dpa) - In the Czech Republic, allegations have been made that German patients would block beds in an overloaded clinic and thus use up scarce resources.

In the hospital in the western border town of Cheb (Eger) there is a "relatively large number of German citizens," said Deputy Health Minister Vladimir Cerny on CT TV.

"You should be sent away to Germany, but that doesn't happen."

Because of numerous Covid 19 cases in the city bordering Bavaria, the hospital there has been working at the limit in intensive care for a long time.

A spokesman for the clinic operator denied the allegations on Monday at the request of the German press agency.

Not a single Covid 19 patient from Germany is currently being cared for.

In other departments, some individual German patients were treated.

But that has "no impact" on the capacity of the intensive care unit.

Do not differentiate between nationality in treatment.

In order to relieve the hospital, Covid-19 patients are constantly being transferred to other parts of the country by ambulance and rescue helicopter.

A large ambulance was also on duty on Friday.

"The beds fill up again relatively quickly," reported the clinic spokesman.

The situation can be described as "stable but persistently bad".


The Czech authorities across the country reported 2,415 new corona cases on Monday.

Since the pandemic began, there have been more than a million infections and 17,333 deaths in the country of around 10.7 million people.

Restaurants and unnecessary shops are closed.

Exit restrictions and a night curfew apply.

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