
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - The Brandenburg SPD wants to go into the federal election campaign with the future General Secretary David Kolesnyk - the baton handover is planned for mid-February.

The state board voted unanimously on Monday for the proposal of the incumbent General Secretary Erik Stohn that his designated successor should take over the office from February 16, the party announced.

A state party congress will later formally decide on this.

Stohn, who also heads the SPD parliamentary group in the state parliament, wants to hand over the post to 30-year-old Kolesnyk at a digital state board meeting on February 16.

The General Secretary is also the head of the election campaign, which is why this office is very important in the election year.

With regard to his work, Stohn said that it had been possible to secure the party's presence through offices and employees throughout Brandenburg.

At the suggestion of the state chairman and prime minister Dietmar Woidke, Kolesnyk is to succeed Stohn as general secretary.

Woidke and Stohn had already announced this in 2020.

The 37-year-old Stohn wants to concentrate on the work at the head of the largest parliamentary group.

Kolesnyk currently leads the Potsdam SPD.

The election of Kolesnyk was planned for the state party conference on November 7th last year.

The meeting has not yet taken place due to the Corona crisis.

According to the SPD, an appointment for a state party conference under corona-compliant conditions is not in sight.


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